I miss.
I miss holding hands.
I miss him bending down to kiss me.
I miss his arms around me.
I miss him looking me in the eyes.
I miss him smiling towards me.
I miss the feeling he gave me that everything will be alright.
I miss his comfort.
I miss him saying “I love you”.
I miss talking to him about random things.
I miss the feelings when I could just dial him and talk for ages.
I miss how he made me feel secure.
I miss to feel important to someone.
I miss being part of his world.
I miss sitting in the car with him.
I miss going out with him.
I miss seeing him.
I miss how things use to be.
I miss his sweet text messages.
I miss him calling me.
I miss all the cute faces he made.
I miss his face when he smiled.
I miss his laugh.
I miss making love to him.
I miss how he use to take me out.
I miss how he use to introduce me to his friends.
I miss having fun with him.
I miss that I could be myself with him.
I miss how he use to be in love with me.
I miss how much he use to want me.
I miss the way he kept missing me and telling me.
I miss to know how important I was to him.
I miss hearing that he always wanted to be with me and love me.
I miss his voice.
I miss the way he use to touch me.
I miss his love.